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I Just Started Realizing my Badminton Training Goal

Finally, yesterday, I was able to start my badminton training. I was initially shy with my campmates because they were friends since they started the training at the same time and it was my first day. However, the coach was fine, not very friendly, and not very harsh either.  However, I d…

Things Can Change Overnight

It was just our usual fun conversation but it didn't end very well. The pain still hovers over me, I can still feel it deep inside. I do not like this feeling. It is keeping me sane but empty. I hope this will be over soon. God help me get through this pain.

Yesterday's Ganap: A Personal Sharing on my PhD Journey

Yesterday, I went to Davao City to meet with my adviser to final check my paper. After our conversation, he handed me a checklist of the documents I needed to prepare to be endorsed for graduation. I got him to sign my Approval Sheet since he initially checked it in our online…

Memories from McDO Bajada Branch

Back in my college days, I could hardly afford to buy a value meal from McDo, so when I could, it was maybe because of my allowance of 1,100 pesos every 2 weeks or a treat from generous friends. The face of McDO Bajada during that time was still simple, not like the one shown in the pho…

A Short Escapade with the Family to Arakan, North Cotabato at Helena's Vacation House

Helena Rose's Vacation House It was a memorable getaway for the family, though we were not complete this time, we were able to have fun --celebrating the birthday of my younger sister ^_^ My sister owns the place where we stayed, so we spent nothing on the very warm (actually, the p…