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Yesterday's Ganap: A Personal Sharing on my PhD Journey

Yesterday, I went to Davao City to meet with my adviser to final check my paper. After our conversation, he handed me a checklist of the documents I needed to prepare to be endorsed for graduation.

I got him to sign my Approval Sheet since he initially checked it in our online consultations. However, that was still 1/7 of the signatures I needed, and I am worried if I can make it to graduation.

I came home so dissatisfied and frustrated, but I still had a week to do the needed revisions if other panel members would still have their corrections. I am hoping that this will be smooth next week until June 27 for my graduation day 🙏🙏🙏

Dear God, please give me strength, wisdom, patience, good health and money hahaha to sustain this journey towards my graduation day.
