, pub-6180776554385737, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Memories from McDO Bajada Branch ~ Jevannel's Blog
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Memories from McDO Bajada Branch


Back in my college days, I could hardly afford to buy a value meal from McDo, so when I could, it was maybe because of my allowance of 1,100 pesos every 2 weeks or a treat from generous friends.

The face of McDO Bajada during that time was still simple, not like the one shown in the photo, but it was crowded with people from varied walks of life. This is what I like most about food chain stations. Some people visit the place because they are in a hurry while some just want to relax. Some use this as a meetup place (but was not able to experience that, maybe I should try ^_^)

...and when I was already working, we spent most of our break time at 2am (night shift) here in this McDo branch.

Kaya, love ko 'to 🍟♥️💛
