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I Am Giving Up My Wordpress Paid-Hosted Blog

This photo was taken yesterday from Stephie De Cakes

While writing this post, it's like the same day I first dreamt about having a blog when I could not afford to buy a paid-hosted one. I have always chosen because it has no complicated features, and it is just a fit for a non-techie person like me. It's simple and easy to use for starting bloggers.

And here I am again. 

I want to give up on my dream of creating a blog that can really be a good source of my passive income because it has been years that I worked for it and after almost a decade, I think, of trying (but not so hard), it is still not happening. 

It may be time to let go. 

Blogging JUST for money is not really for me. 

And so, I have this free domain blog from Blogspot and I plan to just write here anything I want to share with my readers. My niche is anything about the world. I am aware that what led me to failure is that I could not find my niche and I am already frustrated. I am not just very passionate about one thing, but of many things hahaha so this is what this blog will be all about - everything. 

As much as I want to be very serious in my writing, I already have my dissertation for that space and I just need this breather, a platform like this where I can freely write what I want. 

Certainly, I might not have any readers, but no problem because I am here to share and not here anymore to gain something from it. I am here to express, not to impress. But I still hope that some of my writings here can be of help to some people, especially when I talk about my academic niche on Health Equity, Science Teaching and Learning, and Action Research. 

So, I think, this is it. I am just waiting for the time to devour my blog. I think that will happen next month. I might save some of my posts, especially those I have written from my heart hehe 

That blog also helped me survive the pandemic, so I guess I already reaped my profits from that investment.

The reason why I have decided to stop financing my domain and hosting for Jevannel Academy is that I am no longer willing to spend. I already spent more than $200 on it for 3 years and all I am getting is $33.84 and I am not willing to spend another $75 for its renewal. Actually, the domain was renewed for another year already, but the hosting will demand another $50 and I don't want to spend that amount anymore.

So, here it is. I will miss my WordPress circle. There are those names that I often see liking my posts and they will no longer be here anymore. Maybe I can create another circle here ^_^

Welcome to my blog. I hope we'll all enjoy this journey. 
